YexCorp Limited - I.T. Consultancy

I.T. Consultancy

"Business goals should be at the root of all I.T."

There are many job titles commonly used to label the functions we provide; Solutions Architect, Technical Architect, Technical Consultant, Designer etc... but it always helps just to describe what we do, in general terms:

In the simplest of terms, We provide tailored solutions. This could be through simple advice to full blown, end-to-end project management, design, delivery & support, or just providing a consultant as an additional "pair of hands".

How does it work?: The first step is to contact us.
From there we will have a few discussions/meetings to establish your needs (if necessary) before presenting a bid, quote or estimate, as appropriate.

From here on in, it really depends on what you, the client, want.

What are the main levels of service that we provide?

  • Advice - One of our consultants discusses you're needs & imparts advice
  • Sub-Contracter - You can sub-contract one, or more, of our consultants to help work on your own project. This is especially useful if you are short staffed or, simply, don't have the technical skills in-house.
  • Project assistance - We assist your own technical staff with a project. This can include everything from design through to delivery & support. Having our consultants work with your own team helps your staff understand the system better, which makes support easier.
  • Design - We design a system for your own teams to deliver.
  • Design & Test - We design & build a test system, on site, for your own teams to deliver.
  • Design, Test & Deliver - We design, test & deliver a system to your live environment.
  • Design, Test, Deliver & Support - As above, but we stick around to support the system! (At least until your in-house team are able to take over )
  • Support - We provide staff to support existing systems. This can take the form of server support, desktop support, application support and/or systems administration.

Unless you intend to completely outsource on-going support & development to us, we encourage involvement of your own technical staff, at all stages of a project, as this helps the handover and future support to proceed smoothly.

Example System:
All businesses have shared files. i.e. Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, letters etc. Many businesses also have personal files, in the form of home drives e.g. current work, family photos etc.
How is all this managed? Mostly, these are all lumped onto individual file servers. Sometimes the file servers are backed up to tape, but there is hardly ever any disaster tolerance.
The larger the business, the more messy these systems become, especially when multiple file servers exist across multiple geographic locations. It becomes difficult for departments to share data, without having to map drives to multiple shares, reducing productivity. With little to no disaster tolerance, server outages can cause massive losses in productivity. Not to mention the constant growth of data, requiring more & more disk space.
And then there's the backup tapes... who do you get to change the tape in a server in a remote office, at 4 a.m.?

Data Management Systems are our biggest speciality. Although all systems are tailored to the clients needs, we have designs that will solve all these problems, from enterprise class systems with geographicaly distributed servers, but central backups, quotas & very high levels of disaster tolerance; to single, managed, server systems.
Without giving away any design secrets, we can provide the end user with a single drive mapping, for shared data, that will connect to all file servers in your system. We can provide complete disaster tolerance to the extent that only one central server needs to be standing for your whole file system to be accessible. We can even provide clustered systems without the need for expensive Storage Area Networks (SANs). With quotering & data reporting, management of your data & control of it's growth has never been so easy. We can even help organise your files logically & securely.

Server Consolidation & Virtualisation:
Running out of space in your data centre? Lots of servers with low utilisation? Old servers that take up a lot of space?
With virtualisation we can condense multiple physical servers into single, physical, servers by virtualising each system.
We can consolidate similar applications, such as SQL databases, into single systems e.g. move 10 SQL servers to a single SQL cluster.
For systems that cannot be virtualised or consolidated, we can usually upgrade to higher density hardware, such as small form factor servers or blade servers.

Advantages of Consolidation & Virtualisation:

  • Lower Total Cost of Ownership
  • Increased operational efficiency
  • Improved manageability
  • Provision new systems faster with reduced hardware
  • Decouple application workloads from underlying physical hardware for increased flexibility
  • Lower the cost of Business Continuity
  • Free up Data Centre floorspace
  • You get your own, private, "cloud", which you control, without any of the many pitfalls commonly experienced during (and after) migrating to someone else's hosted "cloud solution". After all, a "Cloud Solution" is merely putting your systems on someone else's server!

YexCorp will provide the ideal I.T./Multi-Media Solution for your business & transform the way you work.

YexCorp Ltd